Termites gaining access behind woodpile

Termite prevention starts at home.  We see lots of situations of wood piled against the home, close & handy for the wood fire inside, but it is also very handy for termites too!!  They have undetected entry to your main investment…..your home.

Wood should not be stored against your house

Wood should not be stored against your house

Keep stored products away from your house.  Note below, the termite tunnels running up the slab edge, hidden behind the wood heap.   Thankfully the owner of this home had a termite inspection completed to the house and yard and now has a termite baiting system in place.

Termite tunnels gaining access to house behind wood heap

Termite tunnels gaining access to house behind wood heap

It is recommended that you have regular termite inspections completed to your property every 12 months for peace of mind.